Yanna Franco

Team Member


I hold a PhD in Law, a BA in Economics with a major in Monetary and Public Sector Economics, and a BA in Law from the Complutense University of Madrid, where I have been teaching Applied Economics to Communications students since 2002. My research aims to connect different disciplines, such as applied economics, public policy and gender studies. My research publications can be found via my profiles on academic networks such as: I am the editor of the scientific journal Comunicación y Género, which I launched in 2018. Since 2020, I have served as the academic secretary of INSTIFEM – Instituto de Investigaciones Feministas, and in 2022 I took over co-direction of the Interdisciplinary Group of Feminist Research. Additionally, I have led and taken part in a number of research projects, including the EU Horizon 2020 Programme’s SUPERA Project: SUpporting the Promotion of Equality in Research and Academia.

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  • Spain