The UP4HEALTH project provides the demonstration at pre-industrial scale of an INTEGRATED BIOREFINERY for the recovery of valuable biomolecules from food processing by-products


The UP4HEALTH project provides the demonstration at pre-industrial scale of an INTEGRATED BIOREFINERY for the recovery of valuable biomolecules from food processing by-products (grape pomace, Olive pomace and olive stones and nuts by-products) and their conversion into natural, healthy and sustainable high added-value products for the NUTRACEUTICALSand COSMETICsectors. UP4HEALTH ingredients will meet market requirements of CONSUMERS and INDUSTRY in these sectors.

In UP4HEALTH the recovery of the value of food by-products will tackle objectives at private and institutional perspectives to solve industrial, economic and social problems derived from the generation of residual streams in the food processing industry and the increasing demand for natural and healthier products by consumers and industry in a scenery of limited resources

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