Universite de Reims Champagne-Ardenne

French STEP Partner Institution


The Université de Reims Champagne-Ardenne (URCA) is a multidisciplinary university. The AI and IoT Research (Labi-I*, Computer Science Research Lab) focuses on computer science research related to AI, data science, and IoTs. 4 members of Lab-I* will be in REACHr with the objective to propose original solutions using collective AI techniques, data mining, and knowledge management to address complex environments (dynamic, adaptive, human interaction) and various types of data (Big Data, multi-sensors, geographic, and uncertain data). They collaborate with industry and universities and play a major role in defining systems and algorithms for smart environments, with a particular interest in responsible AI. In REACHr, URCA will be involved in different WPs and lead WP4. REACHr research group has several collaborations with French AI enterprises, such as OLFEO, EfficicientIP, Natixis, etc. supervising several PhDs and master’s students in the field of AI and ethics, the Grand Est region has been funding a project for three years to develop ethical and responsible chatbots. Labi-I* has also participated to different EU projects, such as EDIRE (Equality, Diversity, and Inclusion for Research enhancement) and STEP (Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics and Equality, Diversity and Inclusion) and several projects on Intelligent Transportation systems (INDDED, ECSEL AI4DI…).

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