MSCA Staff Exchanges 2025


MSCA Staff Exchanges support global collaborations between academic and non-academic organizations, including SMEs, to facilitate international, inter-sectoral, and interdisciplinary mobility of R&I staff. This initiative promotes knowledge transfer and long-term collaborations through secondments, where staff members are sent to work at partner organizations.

Key aspects include:
– Secondments must occur between independent legal entities.
– Mobility dimensions: inter-sectoral, international, and interdisciplinary.
– Inter-sectoral exchanges are prioritized within the EU and associated countries, while same-sector exchanges must be interdisciplinary unless involving non-associated Third Countries.
– Exchanges within the same country or between non-associated Third Countries are not eligible.

Projects should leverage the strengths of participating organizations, enable networking, and organize workshops and conferences. They should also focus on skills development and career growth for staff, ensuring proper mentorship during secondments.

08/10/2025 More Information

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