Interreg Sudoe

Second call for Interreg Sudoe

The Interreg Sudoe program, funded by the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF), focuses on promoting transnational cooperation in Southwest Europe (Sudoe region). Here are the main points of the Interreg Sudoe call:

1. Geographical Scope: The Interreg Sudoe program covers regions in four countries: Spain, Portugal, France, and the United Kingdom (Gibraltar).

2. Objectives: The program aims to foster collaboration and sustainable development in the Sudoe region through projects focusing on areas such as innovation, entrepreneurship, environment, energy, and resource efficiency.

3. Thematic Priorities: Projects funded under the Interreg Sudoe call should align with the program’s thematic priorities, which may include:
– Promoting research, technological development, and innovation.
– Enhancing the competitiveness of small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs).
– Supporting the shift towards a low-carbon economy in key sectors.
– Protecting the environment and promoting resource efficiency.
– Promoting sustainable transport and improving mobility.
– Enhancing institutional capacity and efficient public administration.

4. Partnership Requirements: Projects funded through Interreg Sudoe typically involve partnerships comprising entities from multiple Sudoe regions and countries. These partnerships may include public authorities, research institutions, universities, NGOs, and private sector organizations.

5. Financial Support: Interreg Sudoe provides financial support through the ERDF to cover a portion of project costs, which may include personnel costs, equipment, travel, and other eligible expenses. The program typically co-finances up to 75% of project costs, with the remaining funding provided by project partners or other sources.

6. Application Process: The Interreg Sudoe call follows a structured application process, which may include various stages such as project concept development, submission of project proposals, evaluation by program authorities, and selection of projects for funding.

7. Monitoring and Evaluation: Projects funded under Interreg Sudoe are subject to monitoring and evaluation to ensure compliance with program objectives and effectiveness in achieving desired outcomes. Regular reporting and assessment activities are conducted throughout the project lifecycle to track progress and measure impact.

26/02/2024 More Information

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