Interreg NextMed

Project funding to make the Mediterranean a smarter, greener, more inclusive, and better-governed region.

  1. Geographical Scope: Interreg NEXT MED focuses on promoting transnational cooperation in the Mediterranean region. It covers countries along the Mediterranean coast, including but not limited to Spain, France, Italy, Greece, Cyprus, Malta, Croatia, Slovenia, and countries in North Africa and the Middle East.
  2. Objectives: The program aims to address common challenges and promote sustainable development in the Mediterranean region through transnational cooperation projects. Key objectives include fostering innovation, enhancing competitiveness, protecting the environment, and promoting social inclusion and cultural diversity.
  3. Thematic Priorities: Projects funded under Interreg NEXT MED are expected to address thematic priorities that reflect the specific challenges and opportunities of the Mediterranean region. These may include:
    • Promoting sustainable tourism and cultural heritage preservation.
    • Enhancing maritime and coastal management.
    • Supporting sustainable agriculture and rural development.
    • Addressing climate change adaptation and mitigation.
    • Promoting renewable energy and energy efficiency.
    • Enhancing resilience to natural and man-made disasters.
    • Facilitating cross-border mobility and cooperation on migration issues.
  4. Partnership Requirements: Projects funded through Interreg NEXT MED typically involve partnerships comprising a diverse range of stakeholders, including public authorities, research institutions, universities, NGOs, business associations, and civil society organizations from different Mediterranean countries and regions.
  5. Financial Support: Interreg NEXT MED provides financial support through the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF) to cover a portion of project costs. The program typically co-finances a percentage of eligible expenses, with the exact funding rates and budget allocations determined based on project specifics and program guidelines.
  6. Application Process: The application process for Interreg NEXT MED involves various stages, including project concept development, submission of project proposals, evaluation by program authorities, and selection of projects for funding. Projects are assessed based on criteria such as relevance to program objectives, innovation, sustainability, and expected impact.
  7. Monitoring and Evaluation: Projects funded under Interreg NEXT MED are subject to rigorous monitoring and evaluation to ensure compliance with program requirements and effectiveness in achieving desired outcomes. Regular reporting and assessment activities are conducted throughout the project lifecycle to track progress and measure impact.
30/04/2024 More Information

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