ERA Talents


Expected Outcome:

The ERA Talents action aims to boost the interoperability of careers and employability of research and innovation talents across sectors, with a center of gravity in Widening countries.

Projects are expected to contribute to the following outcomes:

  • Strengthened human capital base of Widening countries in R&I, with more entrepreneurial and better-trained researchers, innovators and other R&I talents;
  • A more balanced talent circulation, both geographical and cross-sectoral;
  • Boosted R&I capacity and R&I support capacity, as well as contributed to increased excellence of the research-performing organisation in Widening countries;
  • A more structured and impactful collaboration between academia and businesses;
  • Increased set of research, entrepreneurial and other transferable skills and competences;
  • Improved employability and sustainable career prospects of diverse talents within academia, industry and beyond.
26/09/2024 More Information

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