Developing, consolidating and optimising the European research infrastructures landscape, maintaining global leadership


Expected Outcome:

Projects are expected to contribute to all the following expected outcomes:

  • support to planning and decision-making for research infrastructures at the national (e.g. funding bodies, governments) and European level (e.g. ESFRI) through solid science cases, including expected scientific breakthrough, gap analyses, and feasibility/design studies for future research infrastructures or major upgrades of existing ones;
  • a better alignment of the development of the research infrastructure landscape with the advancements of excellent science, frontier research and technology innovation;
  • increased performance, scientific capacity, and excellence of the European research infrastructure landscape;
  • new services and access opportunities available to the research community, allowing them to better tackle scientific and societal challenges;
  • reduction of environmental (including climate-related) impacts as well as optimization of resource and energy consumption integrated in the very early phase of development of new research infrastructures or major upgrades of existing ones.
12/03/2024 More Information

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