Corporate R&D Tax Incentive System – SIFIDE



Applications for the Corporate R&D Tax Incentive System (SIFIDE), managed by ANI, are open until May 31, 2023. Companies with R&D activities in the 2022 fiscal year can thus recover part of their investment through a tax credit.

Companies with a tax period different from the calendar year may submit their application until the last day of the fifth month following the end date of the tax period to which the R&D expenses relate.

In the application form for the 2022 fiscal year with regard to the submitted project, under the heading “Expenditure of personnel directly involved in R&D tasks”, in addition to the total cost of each human resource, the part of this resource relative to wages, salaries and wages. “Operating Expenses” will be limited to 55% of expenses related to wages, wages and salaries.

SIFIDE aims to increase the competitiveness of companies by supporting their efforts in R&D, by deducting a percentage of the respective expenses from the IRC collection. This incentive covers: research expenses, such as those carried out by the taxpayer with a view to acquiring new scientific or technical knowledge; and development expenses, such as those incurred by the IRC taxable person through the exploitation of research work results, or other scientific or technical knowledge, with a view to discovering or substantially improving raw materials, products, services or processes of manufacture.


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