Round table/debate

Presencial/ZOOM (Auditório Paquete de Oliveira – Iscte-Instituto Universitário de Lisboa)

29/11/2023 4:00 am

Artificial Intelligence: Risks and Promises

“Artificial Intelligence” is a highly topical subject that is constantly covered in the media. An army of scientific workers is involved in the various aspects of research and development work on the subject. Political, economic and military decision-makers are considering the best way to take advantage of the advances that are taking place in this technological field in order to better serve their interests, which do not always coincide with the general interests of the human societies in which they operate and whose destinies they seek to determine.

The extraordinary possibilities of altering or influencing the way of life and daily life of the citizens we all are, are a strong justification for building and broadening an open, inclusive debate on the nature and possible consequences of the accelerated development we are witnessing in the field of what is called “artificial intelligence”.

How to get there:

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OTC – Organização dos Trabalhadores Científicos:

Event's info
  • Presencial/ZOOM (Auditório Paquete de Oliveira – Iscte-Instituto Universitário de Lisboa)
  • 29/11/2023 4:00 am
  • Download PDF

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