RegioStars 2024

31/05/2024 12:00 pm

The perfect opportunity for #Interreg to showcase excellent projects from around the europe

Ready to be a star of regional policy? The 2024 REGIOSTARS competition is open for applications until 31 May. This year, you can apply in five categories corresponding to cohesion policy objectives, as outlined here below and in the guide for applicants. You can apply in English or in your own language. Projects must be completed at the moment of submission. An independent jury of academics will select up to 5 finalists per category, which will compete in a Final Round during the European Week of Regions and Cities in Brussels. Also the Award ceremony will be back in Brussels, this year, in the same week.

Last year competition was the most participated one ever, with 228 applications. Let’s beat that record!

The REGIOSTARS are awarded to projects in five categories:

•    Category 1) A COMPETITIVE AND SMART EUROPE- Promoting competitiveness, innovation and economic resilience

•    Category 2) A GREEN EUROPE- The green transition as the enabler of regional development

•    Category 3) A CONNECTED EUROPE- Enhancing mobility and connectivity between regions

•    Category 4) A SOCIAL AND INCLUSIVE EUROPE – Achieving a more inclusive Europe by harnessing regional talents

•    Category 5) A EUROPE CLOSER TO THE CITIZENS- Fostering the sustainable development of all types of territories

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