Presentation : BUILT4PEOPLE Horizon Europe

Lisbon, Portugal

15/05/2023 2:00 pm

ANI, in partnership with the Portuguese Construction Technology Platform (PTPC)/AEC Cluster, is organizing the event “Funding opportunities for the sustainable construction sector: Built4People partnership of Horizonte Europa”. The initiative takes place on the 15th of May, at 2 pm, at the Headquarters of the Southern Region of the Order of Engineers, in Lisbon.

This session will present the Built4People (B4P) partnership and the funding opportunities at Horizonte Europa for projects in the area of construction, centred on people, climate neutral, sustainable and intelligent. There will also be an opportunity to discuss project ideas and networking for the 2023-2024 Built4People competitions.

Registration is free, registration is mandatory.

More Information at: ANI promove sessão de apresentação da Parceria Built4People do Horizonte Europa | ANI


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