Connecting science and society: science communication practices

ESTIG-Mentoring Acadamy

18/01/2024 2:30 pm

STEP Talk #5

Based on an understanding of the scientific process, and in an era characterized by information but also disinformation, the ability to effectively communicate scientific advances becomes essential to build a scientific culture in society. Full citizenship and the efficiency of democratic processes depend on citizens having a better knowledge of issues related to science and technology, which are often the basis for political decisions. Scientific knowledge is necessary for many everyday decisions and for a better understanding of the world. In this STEP Talk, we will look at practices and examples of communicating science to the general public. We will present various models for conveying scientific concepts in a way that is accessible to non-specialists, highlighting initiatives developed at the Bragança Ciência Viva Center.


*The event will be presented in Portuguese and will be broadcast via Zoom.

Event's info
  • ESTIG-Mentoring Acadamy
  • 18/01/2024 2:30 pm
  • Download PDF

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