174th European Study Group with Industry

Felgueiras, Portugal

03/07/2023 9:00 am

Meetings created with the aim of renovating and reinforcing the links between Mathematics and Industry.

The 174th European Study Group with Industry will take place from July 3rd to July 7th 2023 in Portugal, at the School of Management and Technology of Polytechnic of Porto.

These meetings were created with the aim of renovating and reinforcing the links between Mathematics and Industry.

This meeting is part of the series of European Study Groups and will bring together several European experts with a large experience in this type of events.

More information on study groups and related aspects is available at the International Study Groups website, the Smith Institute and the European Consortium for Mathematics in Industry.


More information at:ESGI 174 | Felgueiras 2023 (

Event's info

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