Clarivate Session


18/07/2024 2:00 pm

Session on July

Dear All,

We are forwarding the invitation to the training sessions organized by Clarivate in July, on the 15th and 18th of July.

Session 21 – Highly Cited Papers & Highly Cited Researchers (15/07/2024, 14:00-15:00 Lisbon)
*Session led by Anne Delgado in Portuguese, material in English.

Learning objectives:
What is a Highly Cited Paper and a Hot Paper?
NEW – Standardized indicators in the Web of Science
What does it mean to be a Highly Cited Researcher?

Free course aimed only at users of Portuguese academic institutions with access to Web of Science and Journal Citation Reports. Registration valid with full name and institutional email address so that attendance certificates can be sent later.

*Please REGISTER with your institutional email address.


Session 22 – Top papers in Essential Science Indicators (18/07/2024,
14:00-15:00 Lisbon)
*Session led by Anne Delgado in Portuguese, material in English.

Learning objectives:
Understand citation performance indicators
Use Essential Science Indicators
What is a Research Front?

We recommend listening to session 21 to acquire the necessary concepts to follow session 22 correctly. The recording will be available on the training portal.

Free course aimed only at users of Portuguese academic institutions with access to Web of Science and Journal Citation Reports. Registrations valid with full name and institutional email address so that attendance certificates can be sent later.

*Please REGISTER with your institutional email address.

Event's info
  • Online
  • 18/07/2024 2:00 pm

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