R&D@USA 2025: Support for research in the USA

Scholarships aimed at carrying out research internships in the USA for master's students, doctoral students, and researchers with a PhD of up to 3 years from Portuguese institutions.

Scholarships aimed at carrying out research internships in the USA for master’s students, doctoral students, and researchers with a PhD of up to 3 years from Portuguese institutions.

Internships will last 4 months or more.

Individual applications will be accepted, in accordance with the following requirements:
Have Portuguese nationality or be resident in Portugal;
Be a master’s student, doctoral student or researcher with a PhD completed in a maximum of 3 years, attached to a Portuguese higher education institution and/or research center;
Present internship plan;
Present a letter of recommendation from the Portuguese institution to which you are linked;
Present a letter of acceptance from the North American institution where you will develop the internship program;
Present the budget, detailing the costs and sources of financing for which you have applied or will apply for your stay in the USA.

Deadlines – 2025 Competitions
Internships starting between January 1st and June 30th, 2025:
Applications: from May 1st to October 31st, 2024.
Results: until December 31, 2024.
Internships starting between July 1st and December 31st, 2025:
Applications: from November 1, 2024 until April 30, 2025.
Results: until June 30, 2025.

31/10/2024 More Information

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