Celtic Next – EUREKA

The CELTIC-NEXT Cluster, a partner of the EUREKA Network, has extended the Spring Call application deadline for projects, in the area of state-of-the-art communication, that contribute to a sustainable world and to the digital society. Proposals can be submitted until May 24.

The invitation is aimed at companies and national research centers participating in consortia. Candidate entities may have access to national public funding for their R&D project.

The projects submitted must address telecommunications and ICT solutions and contribute to a digital society and a sustainable world.

As part of this call, on March 17th, in Paris, at Le Hub do Bpifrance, the Proposers Brokerage Day will take place in a hybrid format, which is a unique opportunity to get to know the CELTIC-NEXT Cluster, discuss ideas, find potential partners and stay abreast of funding opportunities in the countries involved.

More information at: Cluster Celtic-Next promove convocatória para projetos na área das Tecnologias da Comunicação Digitais | ANI


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